4th Annual Trials Methodology Symposium 2018
The HRB-TMRN were delighted to welcome some of the world’s leading experts in trials methodology to Galway on October 11th 2018, for our 4th Trial Methodology Symposium. The theme for this year’s event was “Methodological Innovations in Randomised Trials”.
This event was preceded by the 2018 Winter School – Developing Best Practice for Conducting Trials of Complex and Behaviour Change Interventions in Health. This 2 day event was held in the University of Galway, and was co-hosted by the Health Behaviour Change Research Group , University of Galway.

PEOPLE: Developing expertise, supporting careers
October 4 | 14:00 – 16:15

PURPOSE: “When uncertain, the best treatment option is an RCT”
October 5 | 09:00 – 10:30

PROJECT: Evolution of trial design
October 5 | 14:00 – 16:00

PLACE: Trials in a post pandemic era: lessons learned for the future of trials
October 6 | 10:00 – 12:00

Special Session – MRC/NIHR-TMRP Working Groups
October 6 | 14:00 – 15:30 & 15:30 – 17:00
Guest Speakers

One of the great innovations in general medical practice over the last several decades has been the wide acceptance and application of methodologies collectively known as Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM). McMaster University Distinguished Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Gordon Guyatt is among the earliest and most effective champions of this transformative advance in health care. Concerned with the intersection between the individual clinician and the expanding universe of medical knowledge, EBM has sought to integrate the complex structures of medical science and technology with the acquired experience of practicing clinicians to best serve the needs, desires and values of patients. Read more >

Professor Deborah Ashby holds the Chair in Medical Statistics and Clinical Trials at Imperial College London, where she was founding Co-Director of Imperial Clinical Trials Unit. Her research interests are in clinical trials, risk-benefit decision making for medicines, and the utility of Bayesian approaches in these areas. She chairs the HTA Commissioning Board, and is Deputy Chair of the HTA Programme for the National Institute for Health Research, and is Chair of the Population Research Committee for Cancer Research UK. Read more >

David has been a mental health nurse for over 30 years. After nursing auxiliary, student and staff nurse experiences he took an 18 month post-registration qualification in nurse behaviour therapy at the Institute of Psychiatry and Maudsley Hospital London, specialising in delivering treatments for people with anxiety problems. This was his first exposure to the possibility of working in research. After a number of jobs, including as a research assistant and a nurse tutor, he studied first for a bachelors degree (this being well before nursing was a graduate profession) and then a PhD. For the last 17 years he has been working as a researcher in academic settings. Read More >

Marion Campbell is the University of Aberdeen’s Vice-Principal for Research & Knowledge Exchange and Professor of Health Services Research in the Health Services Research Unit (HSRU). Marion’s main research interests are in the methodology of evaluative research, especially the design, conduct and analysis of clinical trials of surgical and other complex interventions. She has also published widely on cluster randomised trials. She has served on many national and international funding agencies and committees and is an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the Faculty of Public Health and the International Society for Clinical Trials. Read More >

Matt is responsible for leading trial unit teams conducting research in prostate cancer and osteosarcoma and leading the unit’s Trial Conduct Methodology activities. For prostate cancer, recent activities have included STAMPEDE, a large randomised clinical trial successfully putting novel multi-arm multi-stage methods into practice and which has recently re-defined care for men with high-risk prostate cancer; RADICALS, an efficient, international trial asking many questions for men early prostate cancer; and RT01 and PR07 which have changed radiotherapy practices in the UK. For osteosarcoma, attention has focused on leading the central trials unit for EURAMOS-1 which is the largest RCT conducted in this rare disease, thanks to an extensive international collaboration and has defined the standard-of-care. Read More >