WEBINAR – Managing “participation changes” in trials: the PeRSEVERE principles and what might come next – William Cragg

The PeRSEVERE project (PRincipleS for handling end-of-participation EVEnts in clinical trials REsearch) was set up in 2019 through the UKCRC Registered CTU Network. Its aim was to establish agreed principles to guide how “participation changes” (including things like participants withdrawing consent to take part) should be managed in clinical trials, with a focus on the rights of participants and the quality of research that they take part in. Following an international consultation and input from hundreds of research professionals and patients, the final PeRSEVERE principles were released in 2022. In this webinar, the PeRSEVERE project lead introduced the principles and the associated resources available at https://persevereprinciples.org. He explored the practical implications for different groups involved in research. He also considered the methodological work that could follow PeRSEVERE to address how best to meet the principles.

William Cragg is a Quality Assurance Manager and Methodology Lead for Trial Conduct at the CTRU in Leeds, UK. He has nearly 15 years’ experience in clinical trials, in both operational and research methodology roles. He has a strong interest in improving the quality and efficiency of research, as well as a commitment to making research participation and involvement as good as they can be for those who take part.


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