Methodological Review Boards – Dr Daniël Lakens

UCC & HRB-TMRN event: Deliberating Ethics in Trials: Scope and necessity of ethical oversight

May 2nd, 2024

Daniël Lakens, PhD., is an Associate Professor of Metascience and chair of the Ethical Review Board at the Human-Technology Interaction group at Eindhoven University of Technology in The Netherlands. Lakens’ work focuses on improving research methods and statistical inferences in the social sciences. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed articles, including highly cited papers on effect sizes, sequential analyses, equivalence testing, and sample size justification. He won the Ammodo Science award for fundamental research in the Social Sciences in 2023. He is internationally recognized for his contributions to improve research practices in psychological science. He co-edited the first Registered Reports in science with Brian Nosek in 2014, convinced the Dutch science funder NWO board to create dedicated grants to fund replication studies, and was actively involved in the design and analysis of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology. He received the Leamer-Rosenthal Prize for Open Social Science in the category “Leader in Education” in 2017. His popular massive open online course and accompanying textbook “Improving Your Statistical Inferences” that he has created have been used by tens of thousands of people to improve their statistical skills.

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