44th Annual Meeting of the Society for Clinical Trials
21mayAll Day2444th Annual Meeting of the Society for Clinical Trials
Event Details
Click here to register Date: 21st – 24th May 2023 Location: Baltimore Marriott Waterfront, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Annual Meeting Theme:
Event Details
Date: 21st – 24th May 2023
Location: Baltimore Marriott Waterfront, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Annual Meeting Theme: ‘Championing High-quality Evidence to Optimize Human Health’
The Annual Meeting of the Society for Clinical Trials is a multidisciplinary program with broad participation. The meeting brings together the clinical trials community from academia, the pharmaceutical and device industries, government agencies, medical groups and centers and clinical research entities.
Highlights include:
- Plenary sessions, topical sessions and contributed presentations on many clinical trial related topics.
- In-conference educational workshops, offering guidance on both classical and topical issues in clinical trials
- Annual Thomas C. Chalmers Student Scholarship and Sylvan Green Award competitions
- Discussion of timely issues and research experiences among colleagues in the field of clinical trials
- Presentation of the 2022 David Sackett Trial of the Year Award
- Presentation of the SCT Class of 2023 Fellows
The program is being developed by the SCT Program, Education, and Student Scholarship Committees, and promises to make the best of this unique opportunity for global collaboration.
may 21 (Sunday) - 24 (Wednesday)