Prof. Alistair Nichol

University College Dublin

Alistair is the Chair and Professor of Critical Care Medicine in University College Dublin (UCD), the Chair of the Irish Critical Care-Clinical Trials Group (ICC-CTG), Director of the HRB Irish Critical Care- Clinical Trials Network (HRB ICC-CTN), Dept Director of the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care-Research Centre (ANZIC- RC), Monash University, Melbourne and an Honorary Research Fellow, School of Tropical Medicine, University of Oxford.

Alistair is a senior clinical intensivist, laboratory scientist and clinical trialist. Alistair and his collaborators have successfully completed a number of important trials and epidemiological studies (enrolled over 10,000 patients in the last 10 years), including during the H1N1 2009 pandemic (900 patients) published in the NEJM, an RCT of Erythropoietin in traumatic brain injury (606 patients) published in the Lancet (first author-joint). Furthermore he is a Work Package leader of a European Union FP-7 project, which is charged with examining the challenges of conducting interventional studies in critically ill patients throughout Europe.This project is examining embedding of research into clinical practise, examining the acceptability and understanding of consent process used in the critically ill. To date Professor Nichol’s collaborations have been awarded over €35,000,000 in research funding. This has included an award for TRANSFUSE (HRB Definative Intervention award) published in the NEJM this year (5000 patients, first author-joint) and a Clinical Trial Network Award (Improving outcomes in the critically ill) from the Health Research Board of Ireland.