Interested in a Study within a Trial or Review? Check out this new repository.

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The Northern Ireland Network for Trials Methodology Research is currently collating and maintaining a central repository of work relating to Studies Within a Trial (SWAT) or Studies Within a Review (SWAR).

As outlined on their webpage, The SWAT and SWAR programme is identifying issues about the methods of trials and systematic reviews about which there is sufficient uncertainty to justify research to support well-informed decision making about future designs and choices. It will build an online library for these methodology studies and a data repository into which people using the designs could log their study prospectively and deposit their findings to contribute to meta-analyses of the individual SWAT or SWAR.

An online application form can be completed and submitted to All Ireland Hub staff who will review and reply directly via the email address supplied. Once reviewed and accepted an acceptance email will be sent and a PDF of the SWAT/SWAR will be added to the repository and made available for others to view. Edits or updates to an existing SWAT/SWAR will require a resubmission via the application form.

The repository page will collate the most up-to-date collection of accepted SWAT/SWAR applications. The page will contain a link to all SWAT/SWAR PDFs, an application ID, Title, Author and Submission Date, all of which can be easily searched.

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